Teaching Kids About Money- Flipchart Currency Collection

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When it comes to teaching kids about money, this extensive Flipchart Currency Collection is a great tool for parents and teachers. It is intended for a broad range of users, including caregivers and parents who homeschool as well as educators in the classroom. This collection is appropriate for a range of learning situations since it provides a methodical approach to comprehending different aspects of currency.

Use Cases: This resource can be used by educators, parents who homeschool their children, and caregivers to teach kids about money in a fun and organized way. It is ideal for use in both home-based learning environments and classrooms. With the help of these exercises, students can develop a strong foundation in counting and comprehending various coins and currencies.

Activity: Building Strong Money Skills

Tools Needed: Access to the provided Flipchart Currency Collection.

Page Size: 8.5″x 11″ (Letter Size)

User Instructions:

  • Beginning counting coins. Identify and count groups of pennies, nickels, and dimes. This serves as a foundational exercise.
  • More pennies, nickels, and dimes. Count mixed groups of these coins, enhancing your counting skills.
  •  Practice counting mixed groups of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.
  • Counting mixed groups, arrange coins in order from greatest to least and count mixed groups of coins to reinforce sorting and counting.
  • Introduces the half dollar and involves counting mixed groups of half dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.
  • Showing an amount, practice representing different money amounts using various coins.
  • Showing an amount two different ways,” enhances skills by creating multiple representations of money amounts.



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  • Money Matters: Flipchart Currency Collection for Teaching Kids

    This was so helpful for me in creating my own classroom currency!

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